
Coast Live Oak, Santa Barbara (Infrared). After I prepared and shared a color version of this image, it began talking to me about how much it longed to be seen in black and white. I didn't have the heart to tell it "no", and now that I've honored its wish, I'm glad that it decided to speak up! I've converted it to simulate the look of Kodak's old infrared black and white film, and it's very pleased with the result.
Here's my original caption:
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Here's my original caption:
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Image ©2023 James D. Peterson
Liveoak, oak, Oaktree, Santabarbara, Santabarbaracalifornia, Infrared, coast, California, SantaBarbaraBotanicGarden, GoldenState, infraredphoto, infraredphotography, infraredimage, infrared_global, infrared_world, infrared_images, creativeinfrared_global, creativeinfrared_nature, infraredworld, monochrome, bw_perfect, bw_nature, blackandwhite, bnw, fineart_photobw, blackandwhitelandscape, blackandwhitephotography