New Mexico

Half Double Arch, Bisti Badlands. This is one of two neighboring arches that together are called the “Double Arch”; its mate is off to the left outside this photo.
I probably shouldn’t admit, in polite society, that my feverish brain wants to call this one “arch with giant sandstone tongue” and the pair “the Twindows”. But whatever one calls them, they are, like just about everything else in the Bisti, entrancing because they look so...
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I probably shouldn’t admit, in polite society, that my feverish brain wants to call this one “arch with giant sandstone tongue” and the pair “the Twindows”. But whatever one calls them, they are, like just about everything else in the Bisti, entrancing because they look so...
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Image ©2023 James D. Peterson
Doublearch, arch, Bistibadlands, Bisti, Badlands, sandstone, Newmexico, Wilderness, otherworldly, landscape, hoodoos, ridges, arches, canyon, DeNaZin, Hoodoo, Farmington, FarmingtonNewMexico, Southwest, enchanted, sandstone, Newmexicotrue, iamnewmexico, travelnewmexico, onlyinnewmexico, hikenewmexico, visitnewmexico, newmexicobeauty, newmexicolandscape