New Mexico

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Just Another Nameless - Sacred - Little Arroyo (Infrared).  The Four Corners territory in which I grew up has countless canyons, some spectacular and well known and many others that are more intimate and anonymous.  But to my eye (and heart) – after spending many tranquil days exploring them as a kid - every last one of them is a tiny, sacred world unto itself.  This one, in the De-Na-Zin wilderness area, illustrates that point as well as any.  It is one of many nameless little tributaries of the De-Na-Zin Wash.<br />
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Tech info: Nikon D800E camera (modified for full spectrum response and with 550nm IR filter on lens), Nikon 28-300mm lens at 35mm, 1/500 sec. at f/11, ISO 250<br />
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Image ©2024 James D. Peterson