Sedona Area

Summer Crescent (Infrared). Crescent Moon Ranch is where you’ll find the most iconic of all the views of Cathedral Rock, and it has thus been photographed innumerable times from this spot. But my infrared camera, always eager to show you something you haven’t seen before, immediately recognized this scene as an opportunity to do just that. It then recruited our resident gang of artistic digital elves to create the look of Kodak's (discontinued) high speed infrared black and...
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Image ©2022 James D. Peterson
Summer, Crescent, Infrared, Crescentmoonranch, Cathedralrock, Sedona, sedonaarizona, Arizona, landscape, landscapephoto, landscapephotography, infraredphoto, infraredphotography, infraredlandscape, infraredimage, infrared_global, infrared_world, infrared_images, creativeinfrared_global, creativeinfrared_nature, infraredworld, monochrome, bw_perfect, bw_nature, blackandwhite, bnw, fineart_photobw, blackandwhitelandscape, blackandwhitephotography