Sedona Area

Ocotillos (Infrared). Ocotillos are fairly common around Sedona, but they’re pretty picky about where they grow, so you’ll typically find them only in small patches along the area’s many trails. One good place to see them is beside the Templeton trail near the base of Cathedral Rock.
These two (with a much smaller youngster between them) were showing off their leaves and blossoms after some recent monsoon rains, and my infrared camera caught them basking in...
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These two (with a much smaller youngster between them) were showing off their leaves and blossoms after some recent monsoon rains, and my infrared camera caught them basking in...
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Image ©2024 James D. Peterson
Ocotillo, Infrared, Sedona, sedonaarizona, Templetontrail, Cathedralrock, leaves, blossoms, monsoon, invisiblelight, summer, morning, sunrise, foliage, Arizona, arizonaphotos, arizonaphotography, sedonaphoto, sedonaphotography, arizonainfrared, infraredphoto, infraredphotography, infraredimage, infrared_global, infrared_world, infrared_images, creativeinfrared_global, creativeinfrared_nature, infraredworld, redrocks, arizonalandscape, aerochrome