Comet NEOWISE Rises over Sedona. This comet has been putting on a great show for folks who are willing to forego some sleep to get outdoors during the wee hours. In this image, captured about an hour before sunrise on July 11, 2020, the comet is rising between Thunder Mountain (also known as Capitol Butte) on the left and Wilson Mountain on the right. Coffee Pot Rock, one of Sedona’s more iconic red rock formations, can be seen in front of and below Wilson Mountain.
Comet NEOWISE Rises over Sedona. This comet has been putting on a great show for folks who are willing to forego some sleep to get outdoors during the wee hours. In this image, captured about an hour before sunrise on July 11, 2020, the comet is rising between Thunder Mountain (also known as Capitol Butte) on the left and Wilson Mountain on the right. Coffee Pot Rock, one of Sedona’s more iconic red rock formations, can be seen in front of and below Wilson Mountain.