Sedona Area

Courting The Invisible (Infrared). Courthouse Butte knows how to impress in any light, but it feels especially stylish when seen in invisible light. On this June morning, it sported its usual skirt of junipers and pinyon pines, and it chose to accessorize with prickly pears accented by a lovely stalk of century plant blossoms. My infrared camera captured the moment along the Llama Trail, south of Sedona, and has chosen to present the picture in the fashion of Kodak’s (discontinued)...
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Image ©2022 James D. Peterson
Courting, Invisible, Infrared, Courthouse, Butte, Courthousebutte, juniper, pines, pricklypear, cactus, centuryplant, agave, blossoms, flowers, Llamatrail, Sedona, Arizona, sedonaarizona, sedonaphoto, arizonalandscape, Aerochrome, landscape, landscapephoto, landscapephotography, infraredphoto, infraredphotography, infraredlandscape, infraredimage, infrared_global, infrared_world, infrared_images, creativeinfrared_global, creativeinfrared_nature, infraredworld, kolarivision