Sedona Area

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West Fork Monolith (Infrared).  If you remember to look up at the right spot deep in this sublime Arizona canyon, you’ll see this remarkable sandstone tower dwarfing the nearby ponderosas.  And if you look at it with infrared eyes that are programmed to respond like Kodak’s long-discontinued Aerochrome infrared film, you might see something like this.  But since you most likely don’t have infrared eyes, your next best option is to let your infrared camera take on the task; mine was delighted to do so.  It was then assisted by my resident artistic digital elves in creating the Aerochrome look.<br />
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Tech info: Nikon D3200 camera (modified for infrared with 590nm filter), Nikon 18-140mm lens at 62mm, 1/400 sec at f/11, ISO 200.<br />
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Image ©James D. Peterson