Sedona Area

Airport Fantasia (Infrared). Mother Nature take great pride in being generally unpredictable (except when she, unpredictably, decides not to be). Sometimes (as in another recent photo of mine) she punctures her cloudy skies and sends us beautiful beams of sunlight. Other times, she does the opposite by casting shadows from her otherwise sunny skies. Either way, my fearless infrared camera is happy to be on the job.
In this instance, the occasion was a warm summer afternoon at...
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In this instance, the occasion was a warm summer afternoon at...
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Image ©2021 James D. Peterson
Airport, Fantasia, Infrared, sunlight, shadow, sunny, skies, sky, warm, summer, afternoon, Sedona, airport, Mitten, Ridge, Nature, mothernature, fleeting, landscape, landscapephoto, landscapephotography, infraredphoto, infraredphotography, infraredlandscape, sedonaphoto, infraredimage, infrared_global, infrared_world, infrared_images, creativeinfrared_global, creativeinfrared_nature, infraredworld