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From Classics to Klezmer was the title of the concert given by @ChamberMusicSedona on Jan. 29, 2023,  and a fine concert indeed it was!  It was preceded by a more intimate salon performance on Jan. 26 and then a performance for the students (High School and Middle School) at Red Rock High School on Jan. 27; these were equally impressive.  The performers were Alex Fiterstein, Clarinet; Kristin Lee, Violin; Qian Wu, Piano; and Nicholas Canellakis, cello (and also the Artistic Director of the organization).<br />
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As usual, I was there to photograph the proceedings for the organization (plus to revel in the splendid performances!). And also as usual, the performers were quite photogenic – here’s my first bunch of black and white images.  Stay tuned for more, and color versions too…<br />
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Chamber Music Sedona enriches the culture of Sedona, the Verde Valley and Northern Arizona by presenting outstanding classical music performed by the world’s finest musicians and by promoting a love of the performing arts through music education programs. You are invited to CMS’s concert schedule and purchase tickets at .<br />
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Images ©2023 James D. Peterson