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Tunnel Survivors #1 (Infrared).  The Tunnel wildfire burned through forest land northeast of Flagstaff, Arizona last spring (2022) and, sadly, overran almost the entire area of Sunset Crater National Monument.  It killed many trees, but others, probably the majority, survived but had their lower branches scorched.  And many of those had strange, twisted shapes even before the fire because of the harsh volcanic landscape in which they grew.  The final result is some very haunting forms and scenes.<br />
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The pines in this image, rooted on a small cinder cone, have all been altered by the fire, but they soldier on.<br />
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Tech info: Nikon D3200 camera (modified for infrared with 590nm filter), Nikon 8-15mm fisheye lens at 9.5mm, 1/200 sec. at f/11, ISO 200.<br />
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Image ©2022 James D. Peterson