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Volcanic Ponderosas at Sunset Crater (Infrared).  It’s easy to imagine that you’re visiting an alien landscape when hiking through this area northwest of Flagstaff, Arizona.  Sunset Crater was created by the most recent eruption (around a millennium ago) in the San Francisco volcanic field, and it’s surrounded by lava flows and cinder cones.  This makes for a harsh environment for plant life, including these rugged pines, but they endure.  Capturing them in invisible light just adds to the unworldly feeling.<br />
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Tech info:  Nikon D800E camera (modified for full spectrum response and with a 550nm IR filter on the lens), Nikon 28-300mm lens at 42mm, 1/320 sec. at f/11, ISO 250.<br />
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Image ©2023 James D. Peterson