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Coast Live Oak, Santa Barbara (Infrared).  After I prepared and shared a color version of this image, it began talking to me about how much it longed to be seen in black and white.  I didn't have the heart to tell it "no", and now that I've honored its wish, I'm glad that it decided to speak up!  I've converted it to simulate the look of Kodak's old infrared black and white film, and it's very pleased with the result.<br />
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Here's my original caption:<br />
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I’ve photographed oak trees from coast to coast (the Carolinas to California), and I’ll never cease to be amazed by the wide range of forms and sizes they exhibit.  This one is happy to illustrate that point.  It’s a pretty famous coast live oak tree (Quercus agrifolia) growing in the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden.<br />
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Tech info: Nikon D3200 camera (modified for infrared with 590nm filter), Nikon 8-15mm Fisheye lens at 14mm, 1/640 sec. at f/11, ISO200.<br />
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Image ©2023 James D. Peterson