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NEOWISE Bids Adieu.  The is the last image I was able to capture of our illustrious comet buddy, on the evening of July 28, 2020.    He gave us one last glance before retiring behind the northern butte of the Gunsight, on a night where the half moon lit up the sky and our famous Sedona red rocks but also competed with Mr. NEOWISE’s tail.  After this night, light from the waxing moon plus cloudy monsoon skies made it difficult to get a good view of our comet pal, and by the time the moon was no longer a factor, about 10 days later, smoke from massive California wildfires made him impossible to see as he journeyed away from the inner Solar System.  Like any good showman, he made us love him and left us wanting more!<br />
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Image ©2020 James D. Peterson