
Launching. This bald eagle was perched on rocks just above the water at Lake Pleasant, northwest of Phoenix. But as we drifted nearby in a small boat, he decided that we looked too much like paparazzi, so he (literally) hightailed it, demonstrating in the process how quickly those powerful wings can get him airborne.
Image ©2023 James D. Peterson
Tech info: Nikon D850 camera with Tamron 150-600mm lens at 450mm, 1/1000 sec. at f/16, ISO 1000.
Image ©2023 James D. Peterson
Tech info: Nikon D850 camera with Tamron 150-600mm lens at 450mm, 1/1000 sec. at f/16, ISO 1000.
Image ©2023 James D. Peterson
Launching, bald, eagle, baldeagle, Lake, Pleasant, Lakepleasant, paparazzi, powerful, airborne, americaneagle, raptors, predator, raptorphoto, Arizona, raptors, birdofprey, birdsofprey, wildlife, arizonawildlife, birdphotography, birds, birdsinflight, wildlifephotography, raptorphotography, raptorphoto, eaglephoto